Since its establishment one of the main priorities of the organization has been the training and retraining of the staff which was practically carried out by courses, seminars and consultations.
According to the mentioned format was carried out:
– “Library Staff Training” course in 4 phases with the support of the Armenian filial of the Open Society Institute (OSI): 78 workers from 9 libraries of Yerevan participated in it,
– 6 seminars managed in 2000: about 100 librarians from RA regions and Yerevan participated,
– South Caucasus Library Conference in Yerevan together with American, Georgian and Azerbaijan library unions (Azerbaijan representatives were absent),
– in 2002 in the National Library of Armenia there was opened ALA center for librarians’ training called “Caucasus”, then Russian edition of the directory “Libraries of the South Caucasus, Who’s who in library sphere”,
-two-week library training course in Arab Republic of Egypt: 16 workers from different libraries of RA participated,
– library conference about new technologies with the participation of foreign specialists and lecturers
– a three-day seminar in Yerevan with 18 participants from 9 regional libraries: some of them participated in the contest of OSI grant, got computers and improved preservation of their own library collections,
– conference on the subject “Digitization of libraries and the problem of creation Armenian electronic catalogues”,
– within the framework of the grant ”Technical means for the participants of EIFL Direct program” 9 libraries got DVD players,
– with the support of US State Department Democracy Fund, 2 libraries of special educational institutions of Yerevan got books, bookshelves and other necessary supplies,
– libraries, museums and archives’ materials translation, edition and settlement in the internet through the European grant program ”Kalimera”,
– drafting, working out “RA Law on Libraries”, as a result the RA National Assembly approved that, as well as a law “Obligatory Copy of Documents”,
– a selection of the best school compositions was published in a book titled “The Book and Me”,
– a newspaper “Spiritual Homeland” was published,
– since 1998 “Armenian Library” yearbook (the first name “Newsletter”) is being published which raises numerous professional, library problems.