Library meetings with the participation of the director of USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer

On March 15 at the National Children Library after Khnko Aper the director of  USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer met with ALA board members, discussed  the practical effects of “Libraries’ innovative management methods” and questions concerning  the usage of innovative methods. Mrs. Schnuer visited Central library of Nor Nork, from where librarians had been  participated to the above mentioned master classes. She got acquainted with organizing processes based on participants’ results of courses, their learned skills and knowledge.  She participated to library’s event during which a video call-meeting with librarians of Gyumri Central and Akhuryan City libraries (Shirak Province) took place, who informed about their implemented works, the skills which they got from the trainings.
Mrs. Schnuer also met the representatives of media and presented her impression and rating of the training’s effectiveness.
The day summed up with the excursion over the National Children’s Library, during which Mrs. Schnuer together with children heard a fairy tale headlined “Storytelling”.