“Libraries’ innovative management methods”: training courses for librarians

On October 17-28, 2016 the Armenian Library Association with Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs (Illinois University, USA) will realize a training titled “Libraries’ innovative management methods” for 100 librarians from Armenian public libraries (60 from regional and community libraries and the rest 40 from Yerevan community libraries.
The training will be held in 4 phases: each one with a two-day program.
Armenian experienced specialists will conduct the masterclasses with appropriate guidelines.
The aim of the program is to convey new skills and knowledge about library work to the librarians and to deliver them the peculiarities of innovative, cooperative and enterprising work-style.
To secure the productivity of the program, it is necessary that the librarians share their newly gained knowledge and innovative skills with their colleagues.
Selected librarians serve different strata of the public.
The ALA Department applied to the RA and Yerevan regional administrations to chose and present the lists of the librarians of their libraries.
The program will launch on October 17, at the National Children Library after Knkho Aper.