Library excursions are still ongoing

Within the framework of NLW on April 19 the president of ALA Ruzan Tonoyan and vice-president Rafik Ghazaryan with a children’s writer, poet Ruzan Asatryan and a writer, publicist Levon Blbulyan visited Aragatsotn province library after Vardges Petrosyan. The professional excursion was planned as a meeting with writers. Basically, it was a meeting in the crossroads of writer-book-librarian-reader, which crossing centre was the ALA with a professional-cultural week with the heading “Armenian Army-25”. ALA, loyal to its purport for evaluation reading and libraries, was implemented a book donation.
During the meeting was presented the creative ways of writers, were uttered words of gratitude and deep respect. The librarian’s of Ashtarak read the works of their country-woman, talked about her art, what value has her homeland, who with her enormous faith destines a powerful army and a strong homeland. The volunteers of Aragatsotn Youth Centre read the works of the writer, author of various songs Levon Blbulyan.
During the meeting were present readers, booklovers and journalists. The presence of ALA leaders encouraged the librarians to touch upon the professional problems, to present their views.
Let us mention that during the NLW will be implemented periodic excursions to other libraries of RA.

Excursions were held within the frameworks of “National Library Week”

Within the frameworks of “National Library Week”, which is traditionally implemented by Armenian Library Association in RA, on April 18 the president of Armenian Library Association Ruzan Tonoyan and vice-president Rafik Ghazaryan visited Yerevan’s community libraries .The Week is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Armenian Army.
Loyal to NLW’s mission for evaluating books, reading and libraries, were implemented book donations. During the professional excursions to Armenian libraries they have been in №32 library of Shengavit administrative district where took place the official opening of NLW with the heading “Armenian Army-25″, which included fairytale theatrical reading, modern interactive games, riddle-predictions with the participation of children and in №17 library after Shushanik Kurghinyan where was held a lesson with the heading ”Qez carayely, hayreniq im veh, im vordiakan partqn e srbazan” /Serve to you, my homeland, is my filial holy duty/ was accompanied by reading children’s letters-wishes addressed to the soldiers.
During the event the leaders of ALA watched the exhibition with the heading “Parq hayoc banakin”/Glory to Armenian army/, where were presented the works of young adults created with patriotism’s motives.
Let us mention, that during the annual professional-cultural week are planned discussions about library problems, meetings, matinees dedicated to cultural jubilees and ceremonies at Republic’s regional, community, professional as well as higher educational institutions’ libraries and periodic excursions to Armenian libraries.

The National Library Week is soon launching

On April 17-23, 2017 the Armenian Library Association with the support of RA Ministry of Culture in RA will carry out the National Library Week. This year it is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Armenian Army.
The aim of the professional-cultural week, being implemented traditionally by ALA, to speak out the library issues to find  comprehensive productive and universal solutions.
ALA has the aim to promote the importance of libraries, book, reading and stimulation of interest towards them. The expected results from implementing the Week annually is to evaluate the importance of library in public life, the effective cooperation between libraries, the active involvement of workers of book and informational sphere in library work, straightening the connection of library-public and formation the culture to come to the library. Target groups are readers, workers of library-informational and bibliographical spheres, intellectuals…
The program will launch from April 17, which has “Armenian Army-25” heading. Republic regional, community, professional as well as higher educational institutions’ libraries apart from their departmental affiliation will participate to NLW by their individual programs.
Jubilee memory-events, discussions, meetings, matinees dedicated to highlight cultural anniversaries, professional excursions to Armenian libraries, book donations will be carried out within the frameworks of NLW.
The NLW will be summed up on April 23.

Library meetings with the participation of the director of USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer

On March 15 at the National Children Library after Khnko Aper the director of  USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer met with ALA board members, discussed  the practical effects of “Libraries’ innovative management methods” and questions concerning  the usage of innovative methods. Mrs. Schnuer visited Central library of Nor Nork, from where librarians had been  participated to the above mentioned master classes. She got acquainted with organizing processes based on participants’ results of courses, their learned skills and knowledge.  She participated to library’s event during which a video call-meeting with librarians of Gyumri Central and Akhuryan City libraries (Shirak Province) took place, who informed about their implemented works, the skills which they got from the trainings.
Mrs. Schnuer also met the representatives of media and presented her impression and rating of the training’s effectiveness.
The day summed up with the excursion over the National Children’s Library, during which Mrs. Schnuer together with children heard a fairy tale headlined “Storytelling”.

Meeting with the director of the USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer

On March 14 at the National Children’s Library after Khnko Aper took place a meeting with the director of the USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer. The organizers of the program “Libraries’ innovative management methods” president of the Armenian Library Association Ruzan Tonoyan, vice-president Rafik Ghazaryan, AUA Papazian Library director Satenik Avagyan, hosts, supporters and participants were present at the meeting. The participants of the meeting presented their implemented works which had been done within the frameworks of master classes  “Libraries’ innovative management methods” meant for 100 librarians from Armenian public libraries held on October 17-28, 2016. During the meeting there was spoken about the trainings’ importance, effectiveness and meaning. The director of the USA Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs Susan Schnuer highlighted the effectiveness of the training, as well as the initiative and consistency of participants.
Let us mention, that on October 17-28, 2016 the Armenian Library Association with Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs (Illinois University, USA) realized a training titled “Libraries’ innovative management methods” for librarians.

“Libraries’ innovative management methods” masterclass was launched

“Libraries’ innovative management methods” masterclass for librarians launched on October 17 at 10 a.m. at the National Children Library after Knkho Aper.
In the first phase 25 librarians from Syunik, Vayots Dzor, Kotayq regions and Yerevan community libraries were participated.
They had a two-day masterclass during which they got new innovative skills about library work, which consisted of 4 modules.
All the participants were very interested and were involved in the process.
The aim of the masterclass was to teach librarians the skills of leading, working with team, which will be effective to use in their future library work.
At the end of the first phase of the masterclass on October 18, the librarians got certificates.
On October 20-21, the second phase of the masterclass started.
At that time participants were from Yerevan, Shirak, Lori and Aragatsotn community librarians.
Representatives from Mortenson Center were also attended the masterclass to watch and evaluate the productivity of the masterclass.
On October 21st the second phase summed up.
During those 2 days, the participants perceived the interactive innovative material.
The training is being implemented according to the team cooperation peculiarities.
At the end of 2nd phase the participants got certificates.
On October 24-25, started the third phase of the masterclass, 25 librarians from Yerevan, Armavir, Ararat and Tavush were attended it and got certificates.
All the participants were involved in the process of the masterclass and in group discussions.
On October 27-28, the 4th and final phase of masterclass started and summed up.
25 librarians from all regions of Armenia participated in it and got certificates.
Librarians serving various strata of society got an ability to lead, and they will be able to use innovative team cooperation basic skills in the contemporary library work.

“Libraries’ innovative management methods”: training courses for librarians

On October 17-28, 2016 the Armenian Library Association with Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs (Illinois University, USA) will realize a training titled “Libraries’ innovative management methods” for 100 librarians from Armenian public libraries (60 from regional and community libraries and the rest 40 from Yerevan community libraries.
The training will be held in 4 phases: each one with a two-day program.
Armenian experienced specialists will conduct the masterclasses with appropriate guidelines.
The aim of the program is to convey new skills and knowledge about library work to the librarians and to deliver them the peculiarities of innovative, cooperative and enterprising work-style.
To secure the productivity of the program, it is necessary that the librarians share their newly gained knowledge and innovative skills with their colleagues.
Selected librarians serve different strata of the public.
The ALA Department applied to the RA and Yerevan regional administrations to chose and present the lists of the librarians of their libraries.
The program will launch on October 17, at the National Children Library after Knkho Aper.