In cooperation with the Armenian Library Association and Komitas Museum-Institute, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Armenia on November 27 at 11-17 the Komitas museum-institute hosted Massimo Gentili Tedeschi, the head of the UFFICIO Ricordi Music Foundation. After library excursion the Italian specialist started his discourse with the theme “Modern trends of cataloging books”. During one-day master class the librarians got acquainted with modern library, in particular to the cataloging problems and modern approaches of music funds. The speaker on the basis of worldwide examples presented the multi-lingual searching system of note music literature funds, the cataloging automation methods, forms and perspectives. The librarians asked thematic questions to the speaker. More than 100 participants from Yerevan and regions participated to the discourse.
At the end of the meeting the president of ALA Mrs. R. Tonoyan thanked busy specialist for transmitting to Armenian librarians’ actual knowledge and skills.