Donation of Arabic books to the RA libraries

In 2018 due to cooperation of ALA and Kalimat foundation for Children’s Empowerment, the foundation will donate 1000 Arabic books to the RA libraries. On October 19, 100 Arabic books were donated to the National Children’s Library after Khnko Aper, Nor Nork Central , Armavir and Aragatsotn regional libraries together with beautiful mobile bookshelves. Soon other libraries will be replenished with Arabic literature through coordination of ALA.  Replenishment of libraries with Arabic literature provides opportunity to study Arabic and get acquainted to Arabic history, literature, art and culture, living and traditions in original language.
Let us mention, that Kalimat Arabic foundation was in Armenia thanks to the initiative of IBBY UAE.

October 7 is the Armenian Librarian’s Day

In the year of 2004 RA government fixed the establishment day of the Armenian Library Association as the Librarian’s Day. It is traditionally celebrated by various professional and cultural events in RA. This year it has the “Path With A Book” heading and it is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the First Republic of Armenia  and 2800th anniversary of the foundation of Yerevan.
This year various events will be implemented again, which once more will draw public’s attention to the problems which libraries are facing and will articulate the librarians’ contribution in the promotion of reading and in the appreciation of books in the libraries of Armenia and Artsakh.

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Seminar-discussion on “Our Vision, Our Future” at the National Children’s Library

On July 2018 at the National Children’s Library within the framework of IFLA’s “Global vision” discussion series’ a seminar-discussion by Armenian Library Association was implemented. The Deputy Minister of Ministry of Culture N. Gharibyan, who was present at Paris meeting this year, presented the prehistory, aims and vision of the discussion series to the participants. The librarians of different libraries answered to the questions of “Global Vision” discussion series on libraries’ future. S.M.A.R.T. marketing program was presented during the seminar-discussion, with the help of which the participants described library’s bright future in interactive methods. Vice-president of ALA R. Ghazaryan summed up the meeting: he answered to the questions of the librarians, told about the work of the association. All librarians of RA libraries,with a view to recruiting their library collections, were given methodical manuals about reading organization and bibliography of children’s writer L. Sargsyan.

Seminar- consultation on “Recruitment of Library Collections’ “

On June 29 at the National Children’s Library after Khnko Aper the Armenian Library Association organized a seminar- consultation on “Recruitment of Library Collections’ “, to which the librarians from sections of development and recruitment of  RA regional libraries participated.  The situation and progress of library collections’ recruitment at RA regional libraries were presented by them. The head of section of development and recruitment of National Children’s Library after Khnko Aper  R. Araqelyan spoke about “The Problems of Recruitment of  Library Collections”. The seminar was followed with professional questions and exchange of thoughts. The librarians responsible for this library sphere presented relevant suggestions based on their working experience. One-day meeting was summed at 4 p.m. : during the discussion a list of cardinal questions found their answers.  All librarians of RA regional libraries,with a view to recruiting their library collections, were given methodical manuals about reading organization and bibliography of children’s writer L. Sargsyan.

Armenian Library Association’s new undertaking

On June 19 at the National Children’s Library after Khnko Aper the Armenian Library Association conducted the “Libraries’ Innovative Management Methods” one-day training for librarians. The aim of the seminar was to transfer the innovative skills and knowledge learned by the participants at the 2016 collaboratively organized same name training by ALA and Mortenson Centre for International Library Programs (Illinois University, USA) to other librarians of children’s library.
The training runners presented 4 innovative models, practical tasks, a video related to the topic was shown, and problems were put forward.
A professional meeting consisted of practical and meaningful discussions, the participants expressed several new theoretical-practical tasks and ideas for making library work better.
Let us mention, that the same thematic training will be soon held for the regional librarians.

Next week will launch the National Library Week

On the 16-23th of April 2018 the Armenian Library Association will implement traditionally celebrated National Library Week at RA: this year it is devoted to May battles and Erebuni-Yerevan 2800th anniversary.
Since 2002 the task of professional-cultural week, implementing annually by ALA, is targeting, speaking out the library issues and searching comprehensive effective solutions. NLW has a tendency to promote the stimulation of interest towards libraries, book and reading and evaluating the importance of libraries in the public’s life. Annual organization of “week” expects effective cooperation between libraries, workers’ attention acting in the spheres of book and information towards library work, as well as strengthening library-public connection. Target groups are readers, library workers of informative-bibliographic spheres, intellectuals… The program will launch from April 16: with separate programs will participate republic’s regional, community, professional, higher educational institutions libraries, which in advance informed about the implementing terms and got the designed posters appropriate to year’s content.
In the libraries will be implemented meetings, discussions, events dedicated to important cultural anniversaries, poetry hours, book presentations, exhibitions, professional excursions to Armenian libraries, book donations…
The week will be summed up at April 23.

ALA informs

On the 28th of February 2018 the members of the Armenian Library Association NGO vice president R. Ghazaryan and G. Karapetyan visited the regional centre of Ararat to see the activity of RA Ararat region Artashat Municipality’s “Library system” CNCO. The motive of visit was an information-letter (23.02.2018) sent to director of ALA R. Tonoyan from director of “Library system” CNCO  S. Petrosyan, which is acting under dependence on Artashat Municipality, where she expressed her anxiety about further activity.
Until 2016 the Central library with its 3 branches had been acted at Artashat… During the visit one branch was closed by the Municipality /in 2016/ and funds were transferred to the basement of Artashat culture house: actually that branch already had no address. Those two branches (the first one on Araratyan 5, the second one On Marx 5) also didn’t work, although the library’s served fund in the worst condition was on place. The obvious flaws, also the fear of readers and residents that the mentioned branches are also on the brink of dissolution, in the connection with that problem, leaded the members of ALA to Artashat Municipality to apply to competent officials. After presenting the problem in condensed form to Mayor, the suggestions, under the knowledge of Mayor, were presented to the head of Education, Culture and Sport section Manya Ghazaryan.  The observations of ALA members and following from this observations the demand of letting act already set branches at above-mentioned addresses, also the appropriation of rate of charge for two branches, are substantiated, because:
*Artashat’s Municipal CLS (Centralized Library System) cannot be called “Library system” without branches, which causes contradiction of legal and actual facts.
*In 2015 the CNCO got the status of public library by Ministry of Culture, which is a legal base for system’s whole activity.
*The reading society of Artashat’s mentioned addresses protest and require to open both 2 branches and continue library service for young adults.
The Municipality as a result of ALA members’ visit, taking as a principle above mentioned bases, gave an order to reopen and continue the activity, also appropriated 1 rate of charge salary, which will be distributed among librarians working in 2 branches.
Observing above-mentioned problem’s positive outcome as important achievement of ALA activity – association will continue doing his mission promoting the protection of reading interests with caution and succession.

The visit of Massimo Gentili Tedeschi, the head of the UFFICIO Ricordi Music Foundation, to Armenia

The Armenian visit of Massimo Gentili Tedeschi, the head of Milan’s BRAIDENSE National Library’s Ufficio Ricordi Music foundation was finished.  The goals of the visit were brought together during the round table summarizing the Armenian excursion and the professional meeting of the Italian specialist. Tedeski mentioned that music is a cultural value, which doesn’t have linguistic barriers: so it can be easily spread all around the world. In particular, there were return to the digitization of music literature and the searching system functioning in virtual domain, as well as about acquaintance of Armenian librarians with modern worldwide trends of cataloging. Tedeschi mentioned that the Musicological library in the Komitas museum is unique and expressed hope that owing to digitization it will be more popular as a result of which its resources can be fully utilized.
At the end of visit, the European specialist accompanied by Mrs R. Tonoyan, president of ALA, met Mr A. Amiryan,  RA Minister of Culture, at the meeting  were present Mr. T. Zargaryan, the director of NLA and Mr. N. Kostandyan, the director of Komitas institute- museum.   During the meeting was spoken about digitization of Armenia’s Music funds, protection and popularization. The specialist highly appreciated the meetings with the sphere’s representatives in Armenia and expressed willingness for further effective cooperation. Let us mention, that the Italian specialist was in Armenia with the cooperation of the Armenian Library Association and the Museum-Institute of Komitas and under the direct sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia.

Massimo Gentili Tedeschi conducted a master class


In cooperation with the Armenian Library Association and Komitas Museum-Institute, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Armenia on November 27 at 11-17  the  Komitas museum-institute hosted Massimo Gentili Tedeschi,  the head of the UFFICIO Ricordi Music Foundation. After library excursion the Italian specialist started his discourse with the theme “Modern trends of cataloging books”. During one-day master class the librarians got acquainted with modern library, in particular to the cataloging problems and modern approaches of music funds.  The speaker on the basis of worldwide examples presented the multi-lingual searching system of note music literature funds, the cataloging automation methods, forms and perspectives.  The librarians asked thematic questions to the speaker.  More than 100 participants from Yerevan and regions participated to the discourse.
At the end of the meeting the president of ALA Mrs. R. Tonoyan thanked busy specialist for transmitting to Armenian librarians’ actual knowledge and skills.

New undertaking to train librarians

In cooperation with the Armenian Library Association and Komitas Museum-Institute, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Armenia on November 27 at 11-17 in the hall of Komitas museum-institute will be implemented a workshop for librarians with the heading “Modern trends of cataloging books”, which will host Massimo Gentili Tedeschi, the head of the UFFICIO Ricordi Music Foundation.
The Italian master during one-day scientific-practical meeting will present the problems and perspectives of modern library funds’ cataloging.
The aim of course is to share new applied abilities and knowledge to librarians through international experience. More than 100 librarians from republic will participate.